Thursday, May 26, 2016

Automatic PC Shutdown using CMD Prompt:-

Automatic PC Shutdown using CMD Prompt:-

Its a essential trick to those Laptop or Desktop geek how spend so much time on there P.C./laptop like me and I rlly don’t bother about shutting down mine laptop after a particular interval of time or after work and in this case the PC/laptop remains on and its decrse mine battery and to overcome from this difficulty I srched this trick and I hope that it might be worthy for you too.
I know there are lots of stuff on internet but to use them you have either to spend some bugs or to download software or other things but the trick I m telling you is siest of all it doesn’t use any software , it simply a command tricks.

Steps to Follow :-
we will be adding a timer command in combination to the shutdown CMD. So now you can sily change the seconds or minutes depending on the time after you want this shutdown CMD to be executed.

Open Run by pressing + R and type CMD to open the Command Prompt.

1. Now type the below commend by replacing the last numeric with the of seconds after which you want to be shut down.

shutdown.exe –s –f –t 3600
2. Now 3600 Seconds mn 1 hour, so you can double these digits with the of hours you want after which your PC shutdown.

So now your command is set, just press Enter and you are done executing your automatic PC shutting down CMD, well now exactly after 1 hour your PC will shutdown.

Now if you are confused by the command, let me brief you the whole command in simple language, well we are executing the Shutdown appliion by using the –s for scheduling it using the time. –f is used for force closing all the open appliions and the last once is –t that’s describing the time.
So now just estimate the time after which you would like to shutdown your PC and then convert the hours into minutes and then into seconds.

How to Schedule Auto-Shutdown in 7:-
Well after srching for some another free and sy way that might help in shutting down your PC and that too for free, I came across the Yahoo Voices webpage that was hosting a nice post written by Muneer Moosa Dhamani so I am rlly grateful to that guy for this informative post. [LINK}

Well basically he has described how you just automate the same process above pretty ntly using the task scheduler tool we have inbuilt in . So you can sily set your time and daily schedule like executing this command on daily basis or weekly or maybe monthly.

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